CandiO Box!

After week 8 the once Officer Candidates turn into Candidate Officers.  This is for their last part of training where they become in charge of the incoming class.  During week 9 and ONLY WEEK 9, they can receive something called a CandiO Box. CANDIdate Officer, get it? Plus it probably contains candy so its a play on words.  It is a way for the Candidate Officers to celebrate their achievements plus get some goodies they have lived without.

I don’t know what the maximum size box can be or how many they can receive for sure.  From what I have heard they can receive more than one, but if you get a good sized box they really only need one.  Plus by this point they only have a few weeks left and can go to the exchange if they want anything.  The exchange is like a store on base.

I found it best to get the large flat rate box from USPS.  It is 12 x 12 x 5.5 inches and can weigh up to 70 pounds and still only cost $15 to ship.  It was plenty big enough to put a lot of goodies in.

The best part is getting to decorate.  I blocked out J’s name because one, he doesn’t like to be talked about a lot, and two, his safety.  Who knows what he could be doing down the road.  I don’t want his name easily searched.

I decorated it and his parents and brother filled it with goodies.  Micheals Craft store has individual scrap book paper that fits perfectly on the sides and in the bottom.  I put little notes inside the envelopes too!  It takes about two days to get there with this box.  They will hold the box if it gets there early as long as you mark candio box on the outside.  Electronics can go in too.  We sent a pair of headsets in case he wants to listen to music.

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