Diet Bet

So for those of you who don’t know, Dietbet is this really cool site where you enter a game with cash and if you lose a certain amount of weight you split the pot with all the other winners!  I have only won once out of the three I have done, but I won $40 where I entered with $25!  So it is a fun way to lose weight if you are competitive and like to win money!

I just entered a new game today for $10.  Hopefully this will get me pushing to lose weight again.  I have kept my 20 pounds off and I’ve done well being active, but I haven’t been trying to lose more.

So they have two types of games: transformer and kickstarter.  The kickstarter is only 4 weeks and you have to lose 4% of your weight.  These are the only ones I have done and at my current weight that requires me to lose about 7 pounds, which is very doable in four weeks.  The transformer is 6 months and to win you need to lose 10% of your weight.  I don’t do these because I seem to go on a trip every couple of months and it is hard to lose weight while traveling.  I also don’t like that commitment! haha

You can also connect fitbit, facebook, twitter, and many other social networks and apps to share your progress.  Go to to try it out!

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